Guilty As Charged

photo(104)I don’t know if it’s the Catholic in me, the mother in me, the daughter in me or just the woman in me, but I spend a fair percentage of each day feeling guilty about one thing or another.

Whether it’s my reluctance to buy into purchasing organic products, the poison I pay a service to put on my lawn to keep it green that is probably leaching into my children’s drinking water, or that I am morally and ethically opposed to wet cat food although it would probably make her a lot less fat, I feel bad about a lot of stuff.

And so I made a list:

  1. Cheating during spin class
  2. Not drinking enough water
  3. Drinking too much wine
  4. Not doing Kegels
  5. Hitting the snooze button
  6. Not writing in my journal
  7. Blowing off writing for sleep
  8. Watching three episodes of “Scandal” in a row
  9. Spending $300 every time I go to Target even if it’s just to return something
  10. Not reading as much to my younger children as I did with their older siblings
  11. Only getting past Chapter 2 of A Wrinkle in Time with my youngest child
  12. The 500 pages left to read in Middlemarch
  13. The brown sugar I put in my oatmeal
  14. The half and half I put in my coffee
  15. Knowing more about Kelly Ripa than Edward Snowden
  16. The 20,000 (legit) emails in my work inbox
  17. That my children had to live through a divorce
  18. The amount of money I spend on my hair annually
  19. All the unread books on my nightstand
  20. Not sending birthday cards
  21. Having a closet full of grey, black and camel-colored clothing
  22. Those 10 extra pounds that climbed on for the ride a few years ago
  23. That I don’t read the whole newspaper like I used to each day
  24. Buying plastic water bottles
  25. My carbon footprint
  26. Leaving the water running while I brush my teeth
  27. Not flossing every night
  28. The half-finished sweater lying in my crawl space I never finished knitting
  29. Wanting to be as thin as Kelly Ripa
  30. Not cleaning the kitty litter box every day
  31. Being freaked out by online dating
  32. Making my kids feel like they don’t measure up
  33. That I ever wished my kids would grow up
  34. My  constant struggle with forgiveness
  35. Judging a book by its cover
  36. My big ego
  37. My bouts with narcissism
  38. Not going to Mass
  39. Letting my fourth child off the Catholic hook
  40. All the chicken nuggets and mac-n-cheese I’ve fed to my children over the course of 20+ years.
  41. This list

What makes you feel bad? Tell me so I can feel better.