i’m lovin’ it

I’d like to leave you this week with some bobs and bits of ridiculous stuff I found while trolling Facebook that might help you, too, waste valuable time today.

941755_10151641003932722_308371440_nFirst, if you spent a good portion of 2012 trying to figure out what all the fuss was over Breaking Bad and then about two straight weeks of doing nothing but binging on the AMC series, you’re probably starving for the tale of Walter White to resume in August. While you wait, have fun trying to find all your old friends in this cartoon. Already forgot about Gus, Gale and Tortuga? Here’s a cheat sheet:     http://studiostobie.com/studio/?p=1040



The limited release of Joss Whedon’s adaptation of Much Ado About Nothing has reminded me how much I love the Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator who also brought us one of my all-time favorites, Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog.


And I know I’m super-late to the Brene Brown party, but I can’t stop thinking/talking about her TEDX talk on vulnerability (just ask my therapist):

And finally, why can’t they just shut up and listen?

2 thoughts on “i’m lovin’ it

  1. Amy, thanks for this post. I like Breaking Bad, but I really love the Brene Brown Ted Talk. Here’s one for you:

    This is something you’ll probably find yourself getting immersed in too, if you haven’t already found it. Smart gal, good writer, consumer and disseminator of good stuff. You’ll relate:
    Brain Pickings: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/02/fashion/maria-popova-has-some-big-ideas.html?pagewanted=all

    Here are excerpts from Joss Whedon’s commencement speech: http://www.brainpickings.org/index.php/2013/05/29/joss-whedon-2013-wesleyan-commencement-address/


    • Polli … love the share! I’m definitely going to waste time today while watching/reading 🙂

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